In a few weeks from today, I (along with my family of 4) will in shaa Allah be making Hijrah to a new country. And for some reason, the thought that popped in my head today was that emigrating to a new country kinda feels like preparing for death. Or at least what preparing for death should feel like. Weird, I know.

I had been contemplating how I was going to share this news with my readers. I have a couple of posts in draft format that I had written but never published because they just didn’t feel right. I even contemplated not mentioning it all and carrying on like nothing has changed in my life. In the end, I decided that I was going to share it here but to just wait till it felt right to do so. I guess today is that day.

Back to the dying example…

Taking provision for the journey

The moment we finalised the date of our travel, I started to make preparations and gathering provisions for our journey. I was buying “essentials” like my favourite shampoo, bodywash, face creams and toothpaste like they were going out of stock. It sound a bit irrational to you but my reasoning was “in case they don’t have it over there” {lol}. But then I thought about how I should have this same mindset of gathering provisions for my death. That extra Raka’ah might come in handy in the grave so I had better pile that in my basket, or “that extra Pound given in charity might just be the one that tips the scales in my favour on the day of judgement so I’d better let go of it. Those extra 2 minutes spent in reciting the Qur’an might mean I get the beautiful companion that comes to visit me in my grave for a bit longer. Basically, every single act of worship should be seen as a bit of provision put aside for a big journey- the journey into the afterlife.

Spending quality time with loved-ones

Once I started to tell my friends that we were leaving for good, suddenly we started making actual plans for lunches, playdates and get-togethers. In the past, we would always promise to meet-up or have lunch but we hardly ever did because we were busy and life was fast. But there is something about the certainty that you might never see a loved-one or a friend again. It instills a sense of urgency in you to spend time with them, let them know that they are important to you and that they are loved.

But what is more certain than death? Why do I get deceived by the illusion of time and not prioritise making my loved-ones feel special? I don’t know when my time will come so I must honour the sacred relationships in my lives; right now.

Reflecting on the past and Decluttering

Take it from a self-confessed non-hoarder; condensing twelve years of life, memories and possessions is no mean feat. It is time-consuming, overwhelming and revelatory. First-off, I realise that I am indeed a hoarder who is incredibly attached to things. It also forces you to look back at glimpses of your life and state-of mind throughout all the different phases you’ve lived through. You are confronted with painful memeories, regrets and happy times. It also shows you just how much stuff you have accumulated and how they have now become a burden that will weigh you down for the journey ahead. So you begin shedding stuff and paring it down to the basic necessities. This is the same way that I must force myself to reflect on all the countless mistakes I have accumulated in the past and shed them with Tawbah before I go on my journey to the afterlife.

Living intentionally

Anyone who decides to uproot himself from a place of familiarity and comfort to that of uncertainty and discomfort, does so for a reason. No one takes these kinds of decisions lightly. Hijrah is made with certain hopes and expectations. For me, I chose to migrate to a Muslim country for the sake of my Deen (religion) and that of my children so I look forward to reaping benefits that come with it. No doubt there will be discomfort and challenges, but I hope that having a clear intention for migrating will provide succour and clarity on the challenging and uncomfortable days.

As Muslims, living intentionally means taking action and refraining from action solely for the pleasure of Allah. We live intentionally with the hope for reward from Allah after we die.

The great thing about my journey out of the UK is that there is a scheduled date, time and place for it. The same thing is true for my death. The only difference between the two is that the details of latter is completely hidden from me. Which begs the question: “Which of the two should I really be preparing for earnestly?”

P.S: Judging by this post, I know it might not sound like it, but I am really excited about the upcoming move! 🙂 Kindly take the melancholic tone of this post as part of the human experience we all go through. Not everyday unicorns and rainbows. Come back for that in the next post:-)

PPS: Are you subscribed to my blog? You should, if you want to keep up with latest posts and updates on life in our new home!

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PPPS (LOL): Can you guess where we are moving to? (No votes for friends and family who already know the details)

13 thoughts on “Musings On Death and Hijrah

  1. MashaAllah! I loved it!
    True… When you are moving you must see everyone and all the time… that’s because when you are in the same city you think they are “always” there, subhanAllah!


    1. Ma shaa Allah thank you 🙏🏾
      Yes Subhanallah we are always deceived by the idea that us and our friends will always be there. And that’s not true…


  2. Turkey?!? 😁😁

    Jazakillahu khairan for sharing this sis, very spot on and such an incredibly powerful reminder. May Allah make our akhirah better than this life. Ameen.

    All the best and I pray you and your family find all the goodness that comes with your move! Ameen.


    1. A little further than Turkiye 😁😁

      Aamin wa iyyak sis🧡 thanks always for your support.
      I’ll share location next post in shaa Allah I promise 😁😁


  3. Turkey?!?? 😁

    Jazakillahu khairan for sharing these incredibly powerful reminders sis. So spot on, Ma shaa Allah!
    One of the things that has been on my mind lately is the need to live with urgency; bi ithnillah we are all able to.

    All the best with your move sis. I pray you and yours get all the goodness therein and may Allah make our afterlife better than now. Ameen.


  4. Often times when I have to go on a journey, packing the essentials for that journey makes me reflect on death; how we would leave all these things without taking a pin except for our deeds. It also exposes our love for worldly items regardless of how immaterial we beleive we are, there would be a couple of things you would stumble upon and wonder how long it’s been in store unused!


    1. Subhanallah you wouldn’t believe how many things I found still in their original packaging! Never even opened…
      Remembering death often is truly an effective tool for gaining perspective and curing materialism.


  5. Subhannalah! This is very timely for me and I’m glad I read this. This is an intention I hold dear and I’m praying Allah makes it easy for me and grants it. I went on a transformative trip recently and just like you,death came to mind..I was really concerned with the things you’ve highlighted,revised my will and was also wondering why I had so much stuff..I also see trips,permanent or not as a blessing from Allah because of the insights and reflection they bring forth…They make you rethink your way oglf life life,what you’ve left behind and whether or not you’ll make it back.They also expose you to everything you can do without it..Alhamdullilahi Can’t wait to read about where you’re going to and I pray that Allah in His infinite mercy makes it a blessing for you and your family. May He open up doors to goodness,great companionship ,ease and Rizq for you. Ameen


    1. Subhaanallah what a beautiful dua sis thank you! Aamin Ya Rabb…
      Ma shaa Allah sis!! It’s nice to hear from you again 🧡🧡☺️😘😘😘!
      Alhamdulillah I’m always pleased to hear that this little corner of the internet that I occupy is beneficial. May Allah grant you your desire and bless you in it 🧡


  6. Ma Sha Allah TabarakAllah Sis. I was just saying Subhanallah all through because all you have said resonates with me. Hmmm, what provisions have we made for that long journey, journey of no return…May Allah help us to be better. I learnt a lot from this post. Jazakillah kaeran Sis. May Almighty Allah grant you a safe journey, keep, protect and continue to bless your family with is rizq. Barakallahu feehkum



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